The 4000-year history of observance of Jewish dietary laws is not without.
Colloquially, "not kosher" is a term that means "not really allowed". Kosher, however, literally means "complete" and "allowed" and today, above all, signals edible food that complies with Jewish dietary laws.
Chopped liver, egg salad, herring, Gefillte fish, Haluschk, Kreplach, Borscht, Blintzes, Chremsel, Kigel, Latkes, Rugelach, Babka, Challah and many others.
Get to know these exquisite dishes, the flavors and aromas of the Jewish cuisine at one of my cooking classes! Traditional Ashkenazi dishes are usually served and sometimes oriental and sefardian recipes sneak in...
We cook together 4-5 different dishes and then sit comfortably at the table.
Then I tell (on request) of the Jewish holidays, customs and rites and you learn a lot about the logic of kosher cuisine.